Please follow the steps in your Ledn account, specifically:
- Sign into your Ledn account at
- Click “Activate my account” in the banner at the top of your dashboard
- Update the information on your “Identity Verification” page. Please be sure to update any information that has changed since you first created your Ledn account, including your address information.
- Submit the required documents, including your Government ID and Proof of Address.
To ensure success of your proof of address verification, please submit a document that:
- Is no more than 90 days old
- Has your full name and address clearly stated on it that matches your Ledn profile
- Is an approved document type, such as a Utility Bill, Bank Statement, Credit Card Statement, Internet Bill or Government ID that is not the same as the one used for your KYC verification.
It may take up to 72 hours for Ledn to process your submission. If your account is still suspended after 72 hours, please contact