There are several account security features that we have made available to you, such as Two-Factor Token Authentication, or Token 2FA, Safelisting, and Anti-Phishing Codes. Enabling them can materially enhance the security of your account.
If you have not already done so, we strongly encourage you to switch from SMS 2FA to Token 2FA, as soon as possible. Doing so helps reduce the risk that your phone line or SIM card is compromised and used in an attempt to fraudulently access your Ledn account.
We also recommend that you use the Safelisting feature that allows you to authorise destination addresses for withdrawals and once activated, withdrawals will only be allowed to safelisted addresses.
Finally, you can enable the Anti-Phishing Phrase to create a unique code that will be included in the header of any operational communications that Ledn sends you in the future. This identification code will allow clients to distinguish Ledn official emails from phishing emails