Excess Collateral Redemption allows you to unlock collateral when your LTV drops below 30%:
Eligible Loans:
- Active for more than 60 days
- LTV is below 30%.
- More than 60 days away from maturity.
- No recent redemption history within the last 60 days.
- A minimum of $100 USD worth of excess collateral is required, with a maximum redemption of $100,000 USD every 60 days.
- Check “Active Loans” Tab: Eligible loans will show a “Redeem Collateral” button.
- Unlock Collateral: You'll have the ability to unlock the amount of collateral that will bring your loan's LTV back to the target LTV of 40% and send it back to the applicable Transaction account.
Use redeemed collateral for trading, earning interest, or new loans. This feature is available in all eligible regions.